Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain can bring your life and productivity to a screeching halt. At De Melo Chiropractic, serving Boise ID, we can help you find shoulder pain relief options that work. Keep reading to learn more. 

A black man holding his shoulder

Causes of Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain can have many different causes. Some shoulder pain is a result of a chronic pain disorder such as arthritis, while others may experience shoulder pain as a result of an injury. Personal injuries such as auto accident injuries often result in shoulder pain. Other conditions like fibromyalgia and rotator cuff issues also contribute to shoulder pain.

Chiropractic Care for Shoulder Pain

If you are looking for all-natural pain relief options, a chiropractor can help. There is a tendency in mainstream medicine to always address pain with pain medications. For some patients, pain medications do provide some short-term relief for their pain issues. But for most people, using pain medication long-term will have negative consequences. Our team can help you by providing accurate diagnostics to pinpoint the cause of your shoulder pain. Once the cause of your pain has been determined, then a treatment plan can be developed. This treatment plan will incorporate all-natural methods to address your pain. These methods will work holistically with the rest of your body so that you can achieve maximum health and wellness. 

Treatment Available

Recommended treatment options will depend on the cause, location, and severity of your shoulder pain. Chiropractic care options include:

  • Chiropractic Adjustments: Our chiropractor will assess your musculoskeletal system to determine the root cause of your shoulder pain before creating a chiropractic care plan to treat it. Regular chiropractic adjustments will relieve your pain, restore your range of motion, and improve your body’s natural ability to heal itself.
  • Massage Therapy: Massage therapy can reduce tension and improve circulation throughout your body. This will further relieve your pain and improve your body’s natural healing process.
  • Corrective Care: If your shoulders have been overused or misused for years with repetitive motions, our team can help you learn how to better care for your muscles and joints so that you can avoid injury and pain in the future. 

Schedule an Appointment with Our Family Chiropractor in Boise, ID for Shoulder Pain Treatment

Call De Melo Chiropractic today at (208) 939-7710 for more information on chiropractic care for shoulder pain or to schedule an appointment with our chiropractor.  


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