Personal Injury

Are you battling a personal injury in Boise, ID? It would be best to see a chiropractor to relieve pain and discomfort. A personal injury may become a lifelong source of discomfort if left untreated. At De Melo Chiropractic, we believe no one deserves to live in pain. So, if you are struggling with an injury, please schedule an appointment with our chiropractor for pain relief.

Personal Injury

Common Reasons Why Personal Injuries Occur

Personal injuries can be due to negligence of another person or a fault of your own. Your injury is likely to stem from:

  • Car accidents
  • Falls and slips
  • Bike accidents
  • Sports accidents
  • Work-related injuries
  • Product accidents
  • Boating accidents

While most people ignore symptoms after an injury, we don’t encourage this because it will hatch bigger problems later in life. Our chiropractic team treats your pain and addresses the root cause of the pain to avoid recurrence in the future.

Common Personal Injuries

Just like there are many incidences, you can encounter a personal injury, the injuries are many and varied. Here are the common personal injuries we encounter:

  • Whiplash: It occurs when your head snaps back and forth suddenly, causing neck injury.
  • Back pain: There are enough reasons your back is sore or hurting. Common causes of back pain include strains, sprains, knocks, sciatica, and disc herniation.
  • Neck pain: Car accidents, sports injuries, and work incidents can damage your neck’s structures, resulting in pain and stiffness.
  • Shoulder pain: Common causes of shoulder pain include torn rotator cuff, tendonitis, and bursitis.

If you have a personal injury not yielding to traditional treatment, contact our family chiropractor for pain management. We administer natural treatments that provide whole-body wellness.

Chiropractic Care for Personal Injuries

The journey towards a painless life starts by booking an appointment with a chiropractor. We diagnose your injury by scrutinizing your medical records and current symptoms. Next, we conduct physical exams to identify areas of discomfort.

Once we determine the cause and location of your pain, corrective care may involve:

  • Spinal adjustment: This treatment corrects your misaligned joints to enable proper communication between the nervous system and the rest of the body. As a result, you experience reduced pain and better mobility.
  • Nutritional counseling: We recommend proper nutrition to reduce inflammation and speed up healing.
  • Stretching exercises: Chiropractic exercises strengthen your core muscles and improve joint mobility.
  • Lifestyle counseling: We help you to fend off predisposing factors that increase the risk of personal injuries. This may include posture correction, weight management, and lifestyle changes, including quitting smoking.

Schedule an Appointment with Our Chiropractor in Boise, ID

Are you looking for chiropractic treatment in Boise, ID? Don’t look further than De Melo Chiropractic. We have a rich menu of chiropractic treatments to manage auto accident injuries and other personal injuries. Please visit us today to begin your journey of wellness.


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