Lower Back Pain

As a chiropractor near you in Boise, our dedicated team at De Melo Chiropractic looks forward to providing the services you need to relieve lower back pain. Experiencing lower back pain can result from several factors, such as auto accident injuries, pinched nerves, falls, sciatica, inflammatory arthritis, injuries from sports activities, or underlying medical conditions. Whatever the cause, our team is ready to help you return to a positive lifestyle by providing back pain relief through treatments recommended for your specific condition.


Chiropractic Services for Back Pain

During your visit with our chiropractor, you will receive a comprehensive examination to help identify the source of the condition and the level of pain you are experiencing. Reviewing your medical history is also part of the examination so that the doctor has a complete picture of your health.

Once the doctor has determined your condition, a lower back pain treatment will be discussed with you. This may include one or more treatments, which could include stretching exercises, spinal adjustments, nutritional advice, or other options.

Lower back pain causes discomfort on several levels, and the condition can affect your mobility. Treatments are available that our chiropractor will recommend based on your specific condition, the cause of the condition, the level of pain, and what your body can sustain while treating you for back pain relief. Some of the treatments we recommend include:

Stretching Exercises

Adding stretching to your routine helps with back pain relief by releasing tension, supporting better blood flow, and increasing stability to muscles, vital to keeping you mobile and balanced.

Spinal Adjustment

Spinal adjustment techniques are used to manipulate the spine to ensure it is in alignment, resulting in pain relief.

Nutritional Changes

Our doctors promote supporting a healthier body with lifestyle changes, including physical and mental exercises, relaxation through meditation, and dietary adjustments.

Contact Our Office in Boise, ID

Whether you are dealing with pain due to auto accident injuries, sciatica, or a pinched nerve and need lower back pain treatment, our staff at De Melo Chiropractic in Boise will devise a plan of action just for you. Our focus is helping patients return to a healthier state without pain, so they can enjoy a better quality of life. Contact our office and let us get you on a treatment plan that works for you.


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chiropractic spine


Learn how we can help with your pain