Chiropractic Treatments

At De Melo Chiropractic in Boise, ID, we're proud to offer a range of chiropractic care services tailored to our patients' unique needs. From dealing with common issues like back pain, leg pain, and neck pain to specialized treatments for different life stages, Dr. Frances De Melo is committed to guiding you on a journey toward holistic health and wellness.


Our Chiropractic Treatments and Services

Here is a list of the different services and treatments we offer:

Activator Technique

Our activator technique uses an advanced mechanical tool to help deliver gentle, precise adjustments to the spinal column.

Auto Accident Injuries Treatment

Car accidents can result in a range of injuries, including shoulder pain and whiplash. Our chiropractic solutions offer treatments for these issues while emphasizing natural recovery and pain reduction.

Back Pain Treatment

Our chiropractic care approach to back pain involves identifying its root cause and providing targeted treatments to help relieve discomfort and improve functionality.

Family Chiropractic Treatment

Our family chiropractic care is designed to help promote the overall health and well-being of your family through many stages of life.

Lifestyle and Nutritional Advice

We recognize that wellness extends beyond physical adjustments and provide personalized lifestyle and nutritional advice to complement our chiropractic treatments.

Neck Pain Treatment

We offer tailored solutions for neck pain, focusing on relieving discomfort, enhancing mobility, and promoting healthier postures.

Pediatric Chiropractic Treatment

Our pediatric chiropractic treatments are designed to help address health issues common in children and foster their natural growth and development.

Personal Injury Treatment

We provide chiropractic care for personal injuries, potentially reducing pain, improving mobility, and helping you recover more quickly and naturally.

Pregnancy Techniques

Our chiropractic care during pregnancy targets common discomforts and can help prepare the body for childbirth.

Shoulder Pain

Our approach to shoulder pain involves targeting the underlying causes and providing personalized treatments to help alleviate pain and restore mobility.

Stretching & Strengthening Exercises

Complementing our chiropractic adjustments, we offer personalized stretching and strengthening exercises to help enhance your overall health and prevent future discomfort.

Spinal Manipulation & Adjustment

Our chiropractor employs spinal manipulation and adjustment techniques to help correct misalignments, relieve pain, and enhance the body's self-healing abilities.

Scoliosis Treatment

We offer chiropractic treatments for scoliosis, working to manage its symptoms, reduce discomfort, and improve spinal alignment and overall health.

Upper Back Pain Treatment

For patients experiencing upper back pain, we provide treatments targeting the root causes, potentially providing sustainable relief, and improved quality of life.

Get Chiropractic Care from Our Chiropractor

We at De Melo Chiropractic, located in Boise, ID, are committed to enhancing your quality of life through comprehensive and personalized chiropractic care. Whether you're struggling with back pain or leg pain, seeking the care of a chiropractor, or looking for lifestyle advice, our team is here to guide you on your journey to optimal health. Contact us today at (208) 939-7710 to schedule a consultation. 


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chiropractic spine


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