
De Melo Chiropractic Services

Dr. Frances De Melo of De Melo Chiropractic offers a full range of services in her clinic to the residents in and around Boise, ID. The chiropractic care available to her patients includes pediatric care, prenatal chiropractor treatments, treatments with the activator technique, care as an auto accident chiropractor, and other chronic pain and chiropractic pain solutions.

Activator Technique Treatments

The activator technique uses an electrical or mechanical tool to make a series of gentle, precise adjustments to the spinal column. The activator technique is designed to work quickly and without meeting resistance from the muscles. This technique is considered one of the mildest possible interventions that a chiropractor can make. It is very safe for individuals who might not respond well to conventional chiropractic treatments, like senior citizens or infants.

Auto Accident Chiropractor Treatments

De Melo Chiropractic Clinic offers treatment for injuries sustained in an auto accident. Car accidents can create a complex range of injuries, including concussions, shoulder pain, whiplash, and sciatica or compression of the sciatic nerve. Auto accident injuries often respond well to chiropractic treatment. Typical chiropractic interventions include spinal manipulation, massage therapy, and exercises designed to strengthen the muscles in the injured areas.

Chiropractic Pain Solutions

Chronic pain can arise from many causes in many different parts of the body. Chiropractic care emphasizes natural and holistic approaches to easing chronic pain and offers many different techniques to alleviate pain without drugs or surgery.

Pain in the neck, back and shoulder are the most common sorts of chronic pain. Pain can arise from a serious condition, like arthritis, or over-exertion or injuries in athletic or outdoor activities can cause it. While many causes of pain will clear with time, persistent pain can reduce your range of motion, and can also reduce your energy or enthusiasm for life. The feeling of pain and unhappiness can open the door to other health complaints.

Whatever the cause of your pain, chiropractic treatments can often provide a path toward a solution. Corrective care can include adjustments of misaligned joints or nerves. Corrective devices can sometimes hold misaligned joints or limbs in the correct position. Exercise, massage, and proper diet and nutrition can all alleviate pain.

Chiropractic Care for Youth

The path to a healthy life begins even before birth. At De Melo Chiropractic, we offer a full range of care both for pediatric care and as a prenatal chiropractor. With careful attention, your child can start life's journey in a healthier and more natural way.

Call Today for an Appointment

If you live in or around Boise, ID, and are considering chiropractic treatment or want to know more about how chiropractic care can put you on the path to a healthier life, contact De Melo Chiropractic Clinic at (208) 939-7710 today for a consultation. We would love to hear from you and answer your questions.


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